Late Night Levy

21 Apr 2015

JDW - Newcastle LNL 'success'

Readers may recall the Wetherspoon ‘wheeze' where they apply to add a condition to their licence for premises which would otherwise be affected and caught by a Late Night Levy. The condition applied for removes the authorisation to sell alc...

24 Mar 2015

Amended Late Night Levy Guidance issued

The Home Office has today reissued the Late Night Levy Guidance, amending that which was previously issued in 2012. The covering details on the website confirm: “Amended supporting guidance for licensing authorities on the late night...

17 Feb 2015

Camden Council launches late night levy consultation

Camden Council has launched a consultation on introducing a Late Night Levy for premises selling alcohol between 00.00 and 06.00. The only proposed exemption is for premises open between the above hours on New Year’s Day (i.e. New Year&rsqu...

05 Dec 2014

Late Night Levy - Tameside say "Not at the moment... maybe later"

Plans to introduce a late night levy across Tameside were shelved at a meeting of the full Council this week. The proposal to apply a levy to premises retailing alcohol between 00:01hr and 06:00hr daily would have, it was initially thought, raise...

10 Nov 2014

Business Improvement Districts - and the Late Night Levy

As part of the town centre announcement in December 2013, a commitment was made by Department for Communities and Local Government for a review of Business Improvement Districts (BIDs). The review was undertaken during the spring and summer 2014 i...

29 Oct 2014

JDW innovative LNL approach 'rejected' in Newcastle

Following recent success in Nottingham (see "JDW innovative LNL approach 'approved'"), the Newcastle Licensing Committee have rejected  the innovative approach adopted by JD Wetherspoons (JDW) where a Late Night Levy (LNL) is about to come in...