Late Night Levy
Late Night Levy - CAMRA and BBPA joint approach - breaking news
The British Beer & Pub Association and the Campaign for Real Ale have joined forces to publish a new report on the impact of the Late Night Levy on the pub sector. The report, ‘Supporting a safer night time economy’ urges councils...
Late Night Levy - East Yorkshire/Beverley deferred
Propel is reporting that plans for Late Night Levy in East Yorkshire have been deferred following police objections. See our previous news article: 'Beverley - Late Night Levy'. Plans for a Late Night Levy in East Yorkshire have been postpo...
Liverpool Reject Late Night Levy
At a meeting of the Liverpool City Council's Licensing and Gambling Committee on Thursday (24th March), a proposal to introduce a Late Night Levy was rejected. Following scrutiny of reports and in light of representations received from national a...
Gloucester City Council - Late Night Levy?
It is understood that Gloucester City Council and Gloucestershire Constabulary are in initial discussions regarding the introduction of a Late Night Levy for premises in the Gloucester licensing district which operate beyond 12 midnight.&nbs...
Tower Hamlets Late Night Levy
On the 15th February Town Hamlets launched a consultation regarding the introduction of a late night levy on premises operating in their area after midnight. A link to the consultation document, which runs until 17th April, can be fou...
Weston Super Mare - Late Night Levy
The Licensing Authority for North Somerset Council has confirmed that it will not introduce a Late Night Levy to cover the area of Weston Super Mare. The Licensing Authority in conjunction with the Council appears to have taken a broad review...