Gambling - Gambling Commission - Key Performance Indicators

05 Jul

Amongst various issues discussed during the Gambling Industry Lawyer’s Group meeting held at the Gambling Commission’s offices in Birmingham on Tuesday, the recently published Key Performance Indicators (‘KPIs’) for the Licensing team were highlighted.

The KPIs are already available on the Commission’s website and generally represent an extension of the former timescales within which the Commission anticipated it would determine certain applications.

These timescales are dependent upon the complexity of the specific application with more complex applications taking commensurately longer to determine.

The KPI information is provided by the Commission so that:

  • Those making written enquiries know when they can normally expect to receive a response.
  • Application and licensees can more effectively plan when to submit applications.


Type of application/enquiry

Response time

Written contact from licensees

15 working days

Written contact from consumers

20 working days

Operating Licence new applications

16 weeks (formerly 6 weeks)

Operating Licence applications to vary

5 days (for simple variations e.g. change on head office, change or trading name etc) to 8 weeks

Change of corporate control applications

12 weeks

Personal Licence new applications

8 weeks

Personal Licence applications to vary

5 days

Personal Licence Maintenance checks

16 weeks

Law correct at the date of publication.
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