Consultation On The Future Of London At Night

30 Jan

Further to our previous article we advised you of the London Night Time Commission consultation. We can report that the deadline for submissions to the consultation have been extended until 10 a.m. on Tuesday 20th February.

The key questions are as follows:

  • Question 1. What are the strengths of London’s night time economy? In other words, what is good about London at night?
  • Question 2. What are the weaknesses of London’s night time economy? In other words, what is not good about London at night? What does it lack?
  • Question 3. What are the threats to London’s night time economy? In other words, are there issues or trends which we will have to address in the short, medium or long term?
  • Question 4. What are the opportunities for London’s night time economy? In other words, how could London improve its night time offer? What should we be looking to develop?
  • Question 5.  What innovations, or ideas from other cities, would make London better at night? This might include commercial opportunities, ideas for events or marketing, initiatives to protect residents, visitors or workers, or ways to improve standards. If you have examples of good practice, we would like to know about them.
  • Question 6. In July, the Mayor published his Vision for London as a 24-Hour City. It contains ten principles for the development of London at night. What do you like or not like about the vision? Are the ten principles right? What would you add or exclude, and why?

Responses should be sent to  We would urge all London operators to submit a response so as to ensure the industries voice is heard.

Law correct at the date of publication.
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